Canning with The Diva!™
Diane Devereaux, The Canning Diva®, is an internationally-syndicated food preservation expert and award-winning author who has spent over 30 years mastering the art and craft of home canning and food preservation.
This podcast will share delicious water bath and pressure canning recipes from all five of her published works, will give tips and techniques on how to preserve food in jars, dehydrate, freeze and so much more. Diane will also share culinary techniques, dive into the science and math used to safely preserve food and provide her personal experiences along the way.
Learn how to safely preserve food for long-term storage with Diane's long-standing podcast, Canning with The Diva!™.
Podcasting since 2020 • 47 episodes
Canning with The Diva!™
Latest Episodes
Meals in a Jar Book – A Behind the Scenes Look
In this fun episode, The Canning Diva®, shares her inspiration and motivation to create a pressure canning book dedicated to meals in a jar for home canners. The Canning Diva Presents Meals in a Jar: The Ultimate Guide to Pressure Cannin...
Season 4
Episode 7

Dry Packed Carrots
In a world where superfoods come and go, one humble root vegetable has stood the test of time, offering an array of health benefits and culinary versatility: the Carrot. In this episode, Diane Devereaux The Canning Diva shares with list...
Season 4
Episode 6

Canning with Rhubarb
In this episode, The Canning Diva® talks about rhubarb, a springtime favorite. Listeners will explore the art and science of rhubarb while learning its history, its scientific and culinary aspects, will learn practical tips, and the many health...
Season 4
Episode 5

Growing and Selecting Corn for Home Canning
In this informative episode, Diane - The Canning Diva®, shares tips on selecting the perfect corn varieties to enhance your home canning experience. While there are many varieties of corn available to us, there are certain sweet corn varieties ...
Season 4
Episode 4

What is the difference between Dry Canning and Dry Packing?
In this episode, Diane Devereaux, The Canning Diva®, debunks the well intended but misrepresented information circulating the internet regarding dry packing food in jars. She shares with listeners how the commonly used method of jar packing is ...
Season 4
Episode 3