Canning with The Diva!™
Diane Devereaux, The Canning Diva®, is an internationally-syndicated food preservation expert and award-winning author who has spent over 30 years mastering the art and craft of home canning and food preservation.
This podcast will share delicious water bath and pressure canning recipes from all five of her published works, will give tips and techniques on how to preserve food in jars, dehydrate, freeze and so much more. Diane will also share culinary techniques, dive into the science and math used to safely preserve food and provide her personal experiences along the way.
Learn how to safely preserve food for long-term storage with Diane's long-standing podcast, Canning with The Diva!™.
Canning with The Diva!™
What is the difference between Dry Canning and Dry Packing?
In this episode, Diane Devereaux, The Canning Diva®, debunks the well intended but misrepresented information circulating the internet regarding dry packing food in jars. She shares with listeners how the commonly used method of jar packing is accomplished and addresses where the confusion is coming from regarding the misconception its dry canning.
In this informative episode, The Canning Diva addresses the confusion due the to comingling of canning terminology, and she sheds light on the unsafe practice of dry canning using an oven. As listeners learn how dry packing is not dry canning, Diane shares the failed history of dry oven canning and helps canners understand the real meaning of dry and wet heat, which is used to safely preserve food in jars for long-term storage.
Tune in and learn more about the type of glass used to create canning jars and how to safely dry pack and process food in jars to fill your pantry shelves year after year.
For more information on this topic, head to www.canningdiva.com.
Canning University (CU) gives new canners and food preservationists a secure place to learn and grow the art of food preservation with a learn-at-your-own-pace environment. The Canning Diva® will teach individuals, no matter their experience level or location, and give every student the tools, knowledge and understanding of the science and math behind home canning and food preservation. Being learning today at www.canning.university
Canning University (CU) gives new canners and food preservationists a secure place to learn and grow the art of food preservation with a learn-at-your-own-pace environment. The Canning Diva® will teach individuals, no matter their experience level or location, and give every student the tools, knowledge and understanding of the science and math behind home canning and food preservation. Being learning today at www.canning.university
For more information and delicious canning and dehydrating recipes, visit The Canning Diva® online at www.canningdiva.com.
Be sure to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and "X" -- at @CanningDiva to engage with Diane and other like-minded people from across the globe.
Happy Canning & Preserving!
Diane, The Canning Diva